Marine Stock Locator
Marine Stock Locator

Right now, the home for the stock locator is at,

Use the ID "stock" (without the quotes) and the PW "locator" (without the quotes) in early 2025 to try out this service.

Albers Aqua Tech Bay Park Barnacle Bills
Chips Marine                    Country Classics
Dale Industries         Dales Marine MN
Eddy Creek                    Green Bay Prop
Harbours Laurie Marine Leons Marine
Motor Sports Marine Regency Boats
Sea-Way Sports Center Parts & Service T. W. Willard
Tri-County Boats Tyler Boats Ultimate Sports

These companies are included in the trial of the "Marine Stock Locator" for early 2025: 

MSL112 Albers Marine      ARMA          KS 620-347-8853 02/2025
MSL107 AquaTech Marine    QUINCY        IL 217-222-6006 02/2025
MSL108 Bay Park Marine    OCEANSIDE     NY 516-764-2552 02/2025
MSL109 Barnacle Bills     DELMONT       NJ 856-785-9455 02/2025
MSL120 Chip's Marine      SULLIVAN      IL 217-728-2610 02/2025
MSL110 Country Classic    ALBANY        IN 765-789-6498 02/2025
MSL105 Dale Industries    HAMMOND       NY 315-486-9312 02/2025
MSL111 Dale's Marine      MADISON LAKE  MN 507-243-4106 02/2025
MSL104 Eddy Creek Marine  EDDYVILLE     KY 270-388-2271 02/2025
MSL117 Green Bay Prop     GREENBAY      WI 920-662-7605 02/2025
MSL113 Harbours Marine    HOT SPRINGS   AR 501-617-5614 02/2025
MSL106 Laurie Marine      GRAVIOS       MO 573-374-0790 02/2025
MSL103 Leon's Marine      CULLMAN       AL 256-734-3223 02/2025
MSL118 Motor Sports Mar.  PEARSON       WI 715-484-2106 02/2025
MSL114 Regency Boats      INGLEWOOD     CA 310-822-8618 02/2025
MSL121 Sea-Way Marine     LYNWOOD       WA 425-412-4006 02/2025
MSL102 Sports Center      PERRY         GA 478-987-3070 02/2025
MSL115 T.W. Willard, Inc. CARIBOU       ME 207-493-4507 02/2025
MSL119 Tri-County Marine  GRANITE FALLS NC 828-728-4845 02/2025
MSL101 Tyler Boats        ROCKPORT      IN 812-649-4941 02/2025
MSL116 Ultimate Sports    ROSEVILLE     CA 916-791-2628 02/2025
MSL122 Unlimited Marine   RUSSELL SPR.  KS 270-858-6911 02/2025

QUESTION: Will this service always be free to everyone?
ANSWER: NO, many marine dealers will be interested in using the service; but only a few will be willing to send their inventory information and keep it up to date. There is some work involved in hosting a service like this and maintaining the data in it. Users of the Huggins XREF inventory programs already have their parts cleaned up, tagged to a vendor, and in the correct format to easily import into the stock locator, those users get the service included as part of their annual Huggins license to either particitate in the listings or just use the listings to find parts.

QUESTION: What if I am not a Huggins customer?
ANSWER: We really do not see how that can be. If you are a service oriented marine dealer with alot of parts, how can you not be a Huggins Customer? Download a demo of one of the Huggins Cross Reference products and try it out. If you are not ready to purchase one of these products and join the "Marine Stock Locator", call Huggins and tell us why not. We feel like the Huggins Cross Reference products will help you research your inventory and include accurate part numbers to be included in the "Marine Stock Locator". The leading Dealer Management Systems for sale in the marine industry all interface to the Huggins Cross Reference. Any user of any Dealer Management System that is not already compatible with the Huggins Cross Reference should have their Dealer Management System contact Huggins to discuss the parts export format required to participate.

QUESTION: Is Huggins doing this because Evinrude's StockPro lookup is no longer supported on DealerPort?
ANSWER: Yes, that is one of the reasons. Some Evinrude dealers have requested a stock locator service like the previous StockPro. Huggins consulted with Evinrude on their StockPro service. Huggins had a similar service years ago that StockPro replaced. Mercury has a locator service for Mercury dealers to search for NLA and SS Mercury parts that is behind a login so that only Mercury dealers can use it.

QUESTION: How accurate is the information?
ANSWER: This depends on the marine dealer that is providing their inventory to Huggins. We would like to get an updated inventory from the participating dealers at least once per year in January/February/March in advance of the busy season.

QUESTION: Why would a dealer want to participate in the service and be listed as a source of parts?
ANSWER: Many dealers are in the business of selling parts. This service is not restricted to parts that are "No Longer Available" or superseded. This service includes all of the parts that the participating dealers have in inventory. Backordered parts are a big reason for this service. The assumption is that these parts are for sale to customers over the phone. This service does not determine the selling price for the part or the shipping costs. This is up to the selling parts manager. The phone call to determine if the part is still available and when it can be shipped should include a discussion about the payment and dollar amount.

QUESTION: I'm a marine dealer and I have alot of parts, how can I get listed as a source of parts?
ANSWER: You need to send your inventory information to Huggins in a specific format. Huggins does not want to spend hours cleaning up data entered by hand. You must have an inventory system that requires you to enter part numbers that match up to part numbers in the manufacturer's part files. Some part numbers have dashes and spaces. This can get technical.
Here is a list of inventory that Huggins will accept and the three character abbreviation that Huggins uses (and you are expected to use) for each company.
Not every Dealer Management System handles part numbers the same way. You must provide data formatted the way the Stock Locator expects it:
SUZ09168-10022     for Suzuki (with dashes)
YAM68F-24563-00-00 for Yamaha (with dashes and trailing zeros)
MER55278A5         for Mercury Marine (no prefix, if it ends in A5, then include A5)
HON90301-ZV5-000   for Honda Marine (with dashes)
OMC0433379         for Evinrude/Johnson (with the leading zero for 6 digit part numbers)
TOH3B7032400       for Tohatsu (without dashes)
VOL416033          for Volvo (w/o leading zeros & w/o trailing dash and check digit)
BRP420956744       for SeaDoo (without dashes)

Plus over 370 more companies with the three character Huggins prefix plus the partnumber.
Contact Huggins for more information. All Huggins needs is the part number with the proper three character company prefix and the quantity that you have in stock. You could send it as a spreadsheet or a csv file.
Please do not send your descriptions, bin locations, notes, etc. This will just make the file that you need to email to Huggins bigger and that might make it fail to send if you have thousands of parts.
Please do not send parts with a quantity of 0 or -1 or some such inaccurate quantity. If you have this part for sale, you need to indicate the actual quantity that you have in stock.

QUESTION: Besides the stock listing in the proper format, what other info do you need?
ANSWER: Here is a list:
QUESTION: What if I have three locations and three parts rooms?
ANSWER: We will figure it out.
Hopefully you have three phone numbers and a way to distinguish your three locations, so we could list each location with their inventory. If you would rather have a single point of contact for all three locations, we can try that; but when a call comes in looking for a part, the calling marine dealer is going to want to know pretty quick if you can locate the physical part and verify that it is for sale. Otherwise, the calling dealer is just going to call the next stocking location in the listing and verify availability there.

Click here to visit our production web site,
For questions about this web page, please contact:
Huggins Outboard               (919) 787-1836
Attn: Robert Huggins           (919) 787-1890 fax
7524 South Tanglewild Drive
Raleigh, NC 27613